F1 OPT IT Training and Job Placement - Astir IT

October 11, 2016

If you are on an F1 visa, there are a couple of things you will need in order to begin a lucrative career as an IT consultant. 

First, you will need to find a preferred employer.  There are many IT staffing firms out there; but it is difficult to sift through the vast sea of them in order to find one that has strong client relationships, offers decent salaries, places you in and keeps you on good projects, and provides you with proper project support.  It can be a daunting, and downright nerve-wracking task to find a company that matches your needs.

Next, you will need the proper skills needed to be successful on the job.  You have the best higher education degrees; now you need the more practical knowledge an IT project requires.  Procuring IT training in your technology of choice is an absolute must!  A good IT training program will have both technology and soft skills classes that will strengthen your learnings and give you a solid foundation for your first IT project.

Finally, you need to find the right balance for these tasks.  It can be quite difficult to juggle a job search with taking IT classes; that is, unless you can find an employer who can accommodate all of your individual needs.  Astir IT Solutions, Inc. has an F1 OPT IT training and job placement program designed specifically for F1 visa holders like yourself. 

Our F1 OPT IT Training and Job Placement Program is built around your exact needs.  We custom tailor a curriculum of IT and soft skills training classes based upon your chosen technology.    Our training programs offer flexible scheduling and both in-classroom and online courses. The IT Training and Project Placement Program includes resume preparation and interview coaching, and project placement through Astir.

The Astir IT Solutions, Inc. F1 OPT IT Training and Job Placement Program continues throughout your project; strengthening, supplementing, and adding skills as you progress throughout your career.  In conjunction with this ongoing IT training, we provide profile marketing, project placement, and project support… so each F1 OPT/CPT candidate gets the IT training they need, the project they want, and the support necessary to ensure success. We offer our employees stability and an environment that supports personal career growth.

If you are interested and want to learn more, visit us at: www.astirit.com or email us at careers@astirit.com

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