Mobile technology has revolutionized the way we conduct business. Each one of us now has at least one device on our person that can enable us to do at least part of our job from anywhere, at any time. This technology has connected us to our businesses in a way that was never possible before, and allows us to take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way. The only thing that stands between us and taking full advantage of this technology is the compatibility of our current technology environment with the ever changing mobile device landscape.
Over the past few years, the number of available mobile devices, and their usage among the greater populace, has skyrocketed. Whether it is a smartphone, tablet, convertible laptop, netbook, etc., we all carry at least one of these devices on our person at all times. As professionals, it is critical for us to take advantage of this new freedom to work wherever we want... because if we don't, our competition will. Therefore, it is critical that our business intelligence software applications are optimized for each mobile platform.
This, however, is no easy task.
Applications may need to have multiple versions; each customized to the exact specifications of a device's operating system and/or physical dimensions. And although many off-the-shelf software tools are already have fully functional mobile versions for the most popular devices... how many of us really rely on store bought business intelligence software?
Our daily operations are contingent upon multiple pieces of technology, including intranets, applications, databases, etc. Much of this technology is completely custom since off-the-shelf software tools often will not satiate our business requirements. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the mobile technology our workforce and customer base employs, we need to have custom mobile versions for our custom business intelligence software applications. Because, again, if we don't we can bet dollars to donuts that our competition will. Astir Analytics has custom mobile development services that can take your technology environment and optimize it for use on any mobile device.
Having the right access to reliable mobile versions of your applications will ensure that your personnel never miss an opportunity... and will allow you to get a leg up on the competition. Whether your workforce employs Android or iOS devices, contact Astir Analytics today in order to take your business mobile.
Best Regards,
Adam Moltisanti
Manager, Marketing and Vendor Relations
application development
mobile development, application development, astir analytics